We integrate training philosophies from Fitness Experts, Strength Coaches, Science-Based Training Principles, Powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, movement efficiency, bodybuilding and posture experts. Through our rigorous education, internships (Flyers, USA Volleyball, UPENN, Haverford College) and previous employment opportunities, we have been exposed to everything along the health and wellness spectrum and kept what we have seen get real results. Continuing education is of the utmost importance in our field to give our clients the best training experience.
Our Strength Training Philosophy
Each body has their own adaptation throughout the years, good or bad, thus each client presents a unique challenge to us, it is our job to problem solve and figure out what progresses each individual the quickest. There is an old adage which we train by, “there is more than one way to skin a cat.” This saying couldn’t be any closer to the truth as we see all training equipment (dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell, etc.) as a tool in our toolbox, to help achieve a desired training result. Here at Spectrum Strength Training, we believe in using time-tested in addition to new cutting edge methods to achieve results. Whether you are a youth, high school, college, weekend warrior, business executive, celebrity, or professional athlete, we can make an individual program that WORKS.
Our Trainers
Rich Bruno
Rich Bruno is a Co-Owner and performance coach with over 10 years of training experience from professional and Olympic athletes, to adults and youth looking to create lifelong habits and positive changes in their overall health. With a thirst for knowledge and continuously learning, he helps pave the way for clients to achieve their goal, not through training alone, but by taking into account all lifestyle factors and pieces of the puzzle for a complete transformation. His approach is to educate his clients on everything that is health debunking all of the false claims that saturate the internet. Training at SST is anywhere from 2-4 hours per week, however, progress is made during the other 164-166 hours outside of the gym, and that is where he feels one can make or break a training program. With his in the trenches experience as well as education and mentorships from the best coaches in the world he feels there is no situation where we cannot make progress and get you results.